“Self-care is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation”

Audre Lorde

feminist + civil rights leader

A word on inclusivity

Essential Health invites you to pay what you can with our tiered pricing scale.
All tiers are intentionally scaled for most services, and are designed to help us create a community that’s accessible to lots of different individuals.

 Every tier is equal in its access.

Dana is the Buddhist practice of generosity, or more generally speaking, the inclination to give without expecting anything in return.

At Essential Health, we believe in generosity as a pillar of the path to freedom and peace. We practice Dana through our sliding scale pricing, as an invitation to expand the reach of our wellness community.

Sliding Scale Pricing

60 minute services have a regular price of $111, sliding scale to $77 for anyone who walks through our door, sliding scale to $57 for anyone in our oncology support program.

90 minute services have a regular price of $167, sliding scale to $116 for anyone who walks through our door.

All offerings, no matter the level, are honored and acknowledged as support of our mission to dedicate ourselves to uplifting each other through holistic self-care practices and self-discovery experiences. Your contributions help ensure we keep our work sustainable into the future.

Thank you for being part of our community.

Our services

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Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon Hydrotherapy (or colonic), is a gentle, natural method designed to effectively help cleanse, hydrate and strengthen your colon.


Oncology Support

We offer services such as massage, colon hydrotherapy, Transformational Breath, energy medicine, and manual lymphatic drainage massage for folks who have been diagnosed with cancer. As a member of this program you will receive reduced cost services at our center. Please contact us for details.

314.347.8612  | essentialhealthstl@gmail.com

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Massage Therapy

Therapeutic massage encourages relaxation, relieves pain + tension, and supports stress management. Learn more about the different types of massage we offer here.

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Human Design

By understanding your talents, tendencies, and needs in detail, you gain an understanding of where to focus your energy and how to make decisions that work for you - not against you.

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Breathwork is a gentle, simple technique that helps you to open up the full potential of your breathing system for better physical and emotional well-being.


Ear Candling

Ear candling is a folk medicine practice intended to remove earwax + toxins from your ears by means of a hollow candle gently placed into the ear. It is used primarily for cleaning the ears and to promote a healthy atmosphere in the ears, sinus cavities and throat.



Peri-Steaming or Vaginal Steaming, also known as a Yoni Steam, paired with an abdominal massage is a great way to maintain optimal health and homeostasis in your reproductive organs and in your whole body.



Ionic Foot Detox

Herbal Foot Soaks

Infrared Light Therapy

Chi Machine

Salt Box Detox


Doula Services

We offer doula services, including pre-conception, prenatal, post-partum, and womb healing.


Education and Gatherings

Education is very important to our practice. We offer workshops, classes, and individual education with every service.



We offer Orthopedic Yoga Therapy classes and individual session, and Thai Yoga Therapy.



Pamper Parties

Pamper parties are a great way to strengthen community bonds and enjoy self-care and relaxation with friends and family.

Classes at Essential Health and Wellness

“After 2 or 3 years of piriformis pain, I had one session with Kate and experienced dramatic relief! I look forward to our biweekly massage appointments moving forward.”


Questions before getting started? Get in touch