
Frequently Asked Questions

What is Peri-Steaming?

Peri-Steaming is also known as Yoni Steaming or Vaginal Steaming and is the practice of using herbal-infused steam to repair and refresh the feminine well-being. 

What are the Benefits of Peri-Steaming?

Peri-Steaming’s purpose varies from one individual to the next, but the overall benefits may include clearing uterine congestion, increasing thickness of the uterine lining, increasing blood flow and circulation to the uterus and ovaries, regulating the hormonal system including menstrual cycles, and supporting recovery after trauma such as after the birth of a child. 

Who can Benefit from Peri-Steaming?

Women of all ages can benefit from Peri-Steaming provided there are no outside issues preventing you from being able to take advantage of this treatment. We will discuss your specific eligibility prior to allowing the service to take place as Essential Health and Wellness’s focus is on your individual health needs.

Why Not Peri-Steam from the comfort of my own home?

As Peri-Steaming becomes more accepted in our culture as celebrities and influencers have learned the benefits, companies have begun advertising at-home kits for purchase. While it sounds comforting to Peri-Steam at home, we caution against beginning on your own as there are a number of issues that could arise. Having a consultation with a trained Peri-Steam Facilitator or a Peri-Steam Hydrotherapist is recommended before beginning a steam protocol at home.

Our trained professionals ensure your treatment session is safe and without harm in a comforting environment so you can relax and rejuvenate as your body and mind receives the balanced support it needs. Once you complete a consultation and receive education from a Peri-Steam professional, you can certainly choose to continue with your steam protocol in the privacy of your own home.

Contact us at Essential Health and Wellness to begin your journey to feminine recovery.