Colon Hydrotherapy

Frequently Asked Questions

What is colon hydrotherapy?

Colon hydrotherapy is a safe, gentle method of cleaning the colon with flowing warm water, commonly used to aid with constipation. This therapy can also help people with cleansing the body. Many people report skin irritants and allergies improve, auto immune symptoms flare up less often, mood enhancement, easier and regular elimination, better absorption, a rise in energy levels with less brain fog, and better quality sleep.

Will it be embarrassing?

Not knowing exactly what to expect can cause anxiety. Your therapist will consult with you before the session to answer any questions, and inquire about your goals from the therapy. Please know that I-ACT (International Association of Colon HydroTherapy) trained therapists are professional at all times, and will always honor your privacy and concerns confidentially.

Is it sanitary?

Colon hydrotherapy is completely sanitary. A one time use disposable speculum will be use to transfer water from the Hydro-San machine to your body, and vice versa during the session. It will be immediately thrown away after your session. The machine is sanitized with Wave-Cide after each use, and the entire room is cleaned and bleached between clients.

Will the insertion of the speculum hurt?

Colon Hydrotherapy should not hurt. The top of the speculum is approximately the size of your thumb. If you think about it, you have had bowel movements larger than your thumb. The inside of your anus is made of the same type of tissue on the inside of your mouth. Imagine taking a big bite of an apple and how easy it is for the tissue to stretch. The speculum is not near the size of an apple. Upon insertion, the therapist will lubricate the speculum and attach it to the machine. You the client will then turn to your side, and insert the speculum yourself at your own pace and comfort. The therapist will remain in the room with you and be able to assist with insertion if needed.

Will the colonic itself hurt?

Again, colon hydrotherapy should not hurt. During the (closed colonic) session, your therapist will administer several fills, and releases. A fill is when the water is entering your body. A release is when the water is exiting your body. Gallons of water will help hydrate, and loosen hard matter on the inside of your colon. As your stool moves through the colon to exit, it is common to feel pressure, or light cramping, as you would normally when you need to have a bowel movement. Any cramping or pressure will not last all day, and will ease when the loosened matter is eliminated.

Can I eat before and after my colonic?

Please do not eat two hours before your colonic so you are not digesting during the treatment. It is also recommended to not drink a lot before your colonic so your bladder does not become full during the session. After the treatment, you may be very hungry as your colon has literally just had the work out of its life! It is recommended to eat light afterwards to give your colon a rest. Soups and smoothies are recommended because they are easy foods to digest, because the hard part of digestion has already been done for you with the food being broken down. Avoid red meats, raw vegetables, fatty foods and sugar after your colonic because they are more difficult to digest.

Will I be able to go back to work or about my day after my colonic?

Every colonic is a different experience. It is common to need to use the restroom a few more times, especially after your first colonic. Typically it will be within a few hours of your session. You can certainly go about your day, but make sure you have access to a restroom. It is also common to not have a bowel movement for a day or two after your colonic. You may leave your session with a ton of energy, or you may leave your session feeling a bit tired. This is a cleansing experience, and we ask that you honor your body and listen to what it is saying.

How many colonics will I need?

Your therapist will help you figure out how many sessions you will need depending on your goal. Typically you will need more than one colonic to fully cleanse the colon.

Can anyone get a colonic?

No. You will fill out an intake form before your appointment to make sure you are a good candidate for colon hydrotherapy. A full list of contraindications will be listed on the intake to determine if you are a good candidate for the service.