
Frequently Asked Questions

Why Breathwork? 

Breath is Life. Breath marks both the beginning and the end of our lives here on Earth. 

Every single system in our body relies on breath to function properly. 

Breath circulates stagnancy and toxins out of the body. 

Conscious Breath allows us to move out of the fight or flight state in our nervous system and into the rest and digest space. 

What is the Intention of Breathwork? 

Breathwork is a healing modality that emphasizes:

Conscious breathing patterns meant to reduce stress and anxiety.

Exploration of the emotional landscape.

Physically releasing trauma stored in the body.

Lung, throat, and heart health. 

Releasing limiting beliefs.

Healing the nervous system.

Connecting with your divinity.

Removal of toxins and waste from body.

PTSD relief.

Mood regulation.

Who does Breathwork benefit?

Everyone. Grieving people. Healing People. Happy people. Angry People. Anxious People. Growing People. Expanding People. Health-minded People. Trans People. Scared People. Grateful People. Marginalized People. Shy People. All People

Isn’t Breathwork just like Breathing…doesn’t everyone naturally know how to Breathe?

Yes and no. Breathwork is intuitive. It can easily be picked up and integrated in day to day life. However, most people have not been taught how to breathe properly or how to use their breath to work through their emotions, to move pain, tension, toxins, and trauma out of the body. 

What’s a Breathwork session like?

A breathwork session is like coming home to yourself. It’s typically around 60 to 90 minutes, though it can go for longer. You generally will lay down if you are able, if not, however you are comfortable is ideal. The Breathwork facilitator will guide you into your body, into the present moment, into a space of safety. Then they will begin guiding you with Breath and holding space for whatever you need to move through during a session. 

Most people will release and move through a lot during a session. Sometimes it’s really raw and emotionally cathartic. Sometimes there's physical relief. Sometimes you come out of  session feeling really tired like your body needs to rest. Other times you come out feeling totally excited and energized. It all depends on what your body is holding onto and what you are wanting to work through. 

Book now to personally experience all that breathwork can provide.