Spotlight on Peristeaming

Written by Kate Lamprich, Nicolette Liggett, and Brandi McMurry

Q: Why would somebody want this service/ who does this service cater toward?

A: We are providing steaming for overall menstrual and reproductive health. Steam may help to balance out the reproductive organs and therefore may help to resolve underlying problems. Steam users have reported success with fibroids, endometriosis, cramps, and so on. Clients might consider a steam plan for 3–6 months to see if they see any improvements with an all-natural method before making their final decision to continue steaming or not. Clients searching for second opinions can consider consultations with a midwife, acupuncturist, and peri-steam hydrotherapists to see what these practitioners would recommend.

Q: How has the treatment helped you in your own life?

A: I personally have struggled with endometriosis, PCOS, irregular cycles, dryness, and excess heat like hot flashes and night sweats. Finding the right steam formula and the steam plan is crucial as well as the importance of proper period care. I personally have had success with the cooling blend formula and surprisingly to my expectations the first time I instantly found relief from my symptoms in my steam session and days after. I could even use that same blend for relief at home. It’s so nice to have my comfort back and the steam session was so relaxing and refreshing. I had complete control over how much or how little steam I could receive and could reposition as needed. I seriously wish I had known about steaming sooner and especially wish I had known it for postpartum care years ago.

Q: How can clients benefit from the service?

A: Steaming helps to improve circulation and therefore may support the reproductive organs to function more optimally and heal themselves if there is a problem. There haven’t been many studies on streaming yet to confirm this but, if someone is interested, it may be worth a try and it certainly won’t hurt. Lots of steam users have reported positive outcomes and may assist you with your monthly cleanse.

Q: Can you describe what will happen during the session? Do you need to do anything to prepare for the service?

A: Clients are instructed to empty their bladder prior to their steam session. I will consult with the client about their intake form they filled out upon arriving. Based on that intake the facilitator will prepare the herbs and steam set up that is recommended for that client. I will leave the room so the client can change into a steam gown or a robe. Once changed the client will get comfortably positioned with the gown or robe on them laying underneath the linens on the massage table. Currently, all of our peri-steam facilitators are also licensed massage therapists so prior to their steam clients will receive an abdominal massage to increase relaxation. During this time the steam pot will be heated and prepared. Once the steam pot is ready for the client the facilitator will instruct them as to how to proceed to the steam sauna and check the temperatures for safety and comfort. If it’s too hot for the back of your hand it will be too hot for the client to sit on the sauna to steam. The facilitator will leave the room once the temperature is safe for the client to proceed to seat themself on the sauna. Clients can adjust their position on the sauna for their comfort and adjust how much steam and heat they want to receive. The duration of the steam time varies based on your needs and is not to exceed 30 mins. The facilitator will check in with the client several times throughout the steam time and will let you know when your steam session is done. Clients can always remove themself from the steam sauna at any time during their steam session. Once complete the client can get dressed and their facilitator can assist them with any questions, comments, future steam plans, and options for home care.

Q: How often should you receive this service? Do you need follow-up appointments?

A: Once weekly steaming OR 3 days before & 3 days after OR Both. The only time streaming is not recommended is when there is fresh blood. They should pause steaming until you’ve had 24 hours without fresh bleeding or fresh spotting. You can adjust steam days based on the length of your cycle. Follow-up appointments are beneficial if you are participating in a steam plan with a focus but it is not always necessary for a follow-up.

Q: How does peri-steaming help with menstrual cycles?

A: Menstruation is a natural uterine cleanse. Steaming is not effective without proper period care so educating clients on proper period care is crucial. Steaming assists the body in having a better monthly uterine cleanse so the emphasis is placed on supportive care for an effective uterine cleanse including nutrition and lifestyle considerations. Peristeaming itself assists in the natural cleansing process

Photo taken by Nicolette Liggett


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