Colonics Can Help You Prep For Your Colonoscopy

Consider replacing the colonoscopy laxatives with colonics for a clean colon.

Written by Brandi McMurry

The American Cancer Society estimates that the U.S. will have
151,030 new colon cancer cases and 52,580 colon cancer-related deaths. 

A colonoscopy is a screening test that can diagnose colon cancer. Caught early, colon cancer has a 90 percent survival rate. Doctors recommend getting your first colonoscopy around the age of 45, and then once every 10 years after.

Before your colonoscopy, it is necessary to clean your large intestine. Typically, a laxative medication is prescribed to empty the bowels, however, this is not a very comfortable experience. In fact, many people avoid getting the cancer screening because they fear going through the prep work to empty the colon more than the actual colonoscopy.

According to the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapists website, Danbury Hospital in Connecticut is the first hospital in the United States to offer Colon Hydrotherapy as an alternative to the medication to prep for a colonoscopy. Dr. Fiorito of Danbury Hospital explains that colon hydrotherapy is “…More convenient, quicker, and eliminates having to drink a gallon of liquid laxatives the night before.”

“Some people find the palatability of the liquid unacceptable,” said Dr. Fiorito. “Many people can’t tolerate drinking the gallon of liquid laxatives required the night before a colonoscopy to cleanse their colon.”

“Colon hydrotherapy is also much more convenient,” he added. “People don’t have to worry about having to miss work, not eat for 24 hours, and stay up all night because of diarrhea.”

We recommend a series of three colonics to ensure the colon is fully clean before your colonoscopy, with one the day before your screening. If your bowels are not clean, they will not be able to complete the colonoscopy. 

Clients at Essential Health and Wellness have had great success using colonics as prep for their colonoscopy. One client reported that his doctor said that his colon was “very clean.”

During your colonoscopy, you will be sedated enough to be drowsy and may fall in and out of sleep. 

From Web MD: The doctor will use a device called a colonoscope, which is a long, flexible, tubular instrument that measures about 1/2-inch in diameter. It transmits an image of the lining of the colon so the doctor can examine it for any abnormalities. The colonoscope is inserted through the rectum and advanced to the other end of the large intestine.

As always, if you have any questions regarding colon hydrotherapy call or email for a free consultation. 


Photo by Anastasia Taioglou


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