12 Days of Self-Care: Day 8

Watch the Sunrise

Written by Brandi McMurry

Sunrise photo by Brandi McMurry

Being awake as the sun rises can set up your entire day for success. Take this time to be one with nature, and in tune with the universe. Listen to the wind whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Feel its caress brush against your face. And realize this is your time to be at peace with all in your world. Take this moment for yourself to be grateful for all of the blessings in your life. The pure beauty of watching the sunrise is your self-care tip for your eighth day.

Tuning into nature can help to prepare your mind for your day energetically. Our Native American ancestors honored the sun deity with a religious ceremony on the day of our winter solstice, Dec. 21. Forming a circle and using sage to clear negative energies, and smoking from a peace pipe is then followed by a drum circle ceremony.

Photo by Andreas Wagner on Unsplash

Aligning your day with the sunrise can be helpful when it feels like there are not enough hours in the day. Many people are at their most productive in the morning. After a good night's sleep, your body is well-rested and more alert to get the job done.

Try planning your morning routine the night before to be most productive. You can start small by writing a short to-do list. It can be as simple as paying a bill or calling a loved one to say hi and check-in, maybe a little light reading before work.

My list of morning chores include showering, putting away dishes from the night before, and a short morning yoga session to tune in to what my body needs for the day.

Watching the sunrise can be a great way to have a little alone time, meditation, and gratitude.

Tuning into nature can be very therapeutic. Remembering that we humans are but mammals can be humbling. When the world is quiet, and you can actually hear the ecosystem surrounding our lives, you may begin to contemplate that it is really humans who are the most invasive species.

So, on this eighth day of self-care, thank the sun for providing. Thanks to the sun for warmth, and food, and light for all. Thanks to the sun for energy, and healing, and love.

Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash


12 Days of Self-Care: Day 9


12 Days of Self-Care: Day 7