Getting by With a Little Help From Our Friends

The Dream

Four years ago, when I was in massage school, I imagined my ideal life. I imagined a place, where people

gather, support each other, and heal. I imagined myself, practicing massage and other holistic services,

surrounded by an amazing community in a space where people could connect with each other, the

Earth, and themselves.

One year out of school, the covid 19 pandemic shut down massage, and the business that I was working

for decided not to reopen. Knowing and believing that the work that I do is essential; I dove right into

the deep end and opened a holistic health collective.

Realizing my dreams was an opportunity that presented itself to me and I could not pass it up. Now that

I have this space, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to provide a space for other practitioners to grow

their practice and realize their dreams.

The space that I found and created is beautiful and tranquil.

The Bumps

Unfortunately, we got off to a bumpy start; construction took 9 months instead of 3 and a lot more

money than originally expected. When we opened 16 months ago, we were already in the hole.

I have been struggling over the past 2 years to keep my head above water, and things are catching up to

me, to my business, and to the realization of my dreams. I don’t like to share my struggles and anxieties,

I imagine being an oasis for people to leave behind their struggles and anxieties and pain and worry. The

last thing I want to do is cause additional concern to the people around me.

Right now, I don’t have a choice anymore…I need help.

I am not asking for handouts. My proposal is that you invest in your health, your wellness, your self-care, and yourSELF; in making a commitment to yourself you will help Essential Health and Wellness to

continue to be a space for the community to gather, connect, and heal.

How do Essential Health and Wellness support the community??

Essential Health and Wellness provide a sanctuary for healing and support, and a space

for connection, collaboration, and growth for holistic practitioners. Our therapists are dedicated to

providing nurturing therapeutic experiences through education, empowerment, and presence.

Inclusion and accessibility are important to Essential Health and Wellness, while we offer high-end

services and products, we do so on a tiered pricing system that includes regular pricing, financial

support, pay it forward, and oncology support. For more on our pricing visit

How can you support Essential Health and Wellness??

By committing to your health and wellness!

Essential Health and Wellness have a lot to offer, all under one roof:

Colon Hydrotherapy

Massage (including oncology, prenatal, manual lymphatic drainage, Thai, cupping, and more)


Doula services for preconception, prenatal, and postpartum

Facials and waxing

Energy work


Sound therapy


Belly dancing

And more.

Right now, the request that I am making is to commit to your health, your self-care, and to yourSELF

comes with some great deals:

�� A very limited amount of “PAID IN FULL” yearly memberships are available. This gives you monthly

sessions with the therapist and modality of your choice and unlimited access to some of our extra

services like salt box and biomat therapy. It is a buy 10, get two months free, paid-in-full offer. $1,300 for

a year of self-care.

☮️ Committing to our monthly membership right now will lock in our current prices for you FOREVER. In

September, the prices of our service are increasing, but all members will remain locked in at our current

pricing. $70/month gets you one 60-minute session, $105/month for a 90-minute session.

✨ Adding to your monthly membership, you could add unlimited access to our saltbox, biomat, and

one free add-on to each of your monthly sessions for an additional $70 (right now, you can add that

value to your membership for $50/month!).

���� I would also love for you to help me spread the word about my little business by hosting a " pamper

party" for your friends or allowing me to teach a " lunch and learn" at your business.

�� you can also schedule a pamper party day, as a fundraiser for a group or charity of your choice. Great

for PTO groups, teams, or just a way to have fun, get pampered, and give back.

�� I would also love to share more information about our affiliate, Share the Health program, you can

earn money and credit for self-care by referring clients and therapists.

�� Thank you!


Pamper Parties


Food Choices to Grow Your Gut Garden