Cord Cutting
written by Kate Lamprich
What is a cord?
In this context, I am referring to a cord as an energetic attachment to a person, place, event, or such. Cords can be positive connections or negative connections. Positive cords keep us energetically connected to our family, friends, spaces, and experiences. Negative cords can make us feel energetically drained, occupy and take control of your thoughts and feelings, and have an effect on your overall health and wellbeing.
What is cord cutting?
Cord cutting is the process of releasing attachments to things that are no longer serving us. This process can be done in a ceremony or as a simple intentional movement and affirmation. There are many different ways to cut cords and practices that have the intention of releasing that which is no longer serving us.
If you have never cut cords before, you might have a lot of questions.
How do I know I am cutting the right cords?
What if they come back?
What if I cut a cord that I don’t want to cut?
Can this cause harm to anyone involved?
Do I have to know exactly what cords I am cutting?
Do I have to be specific?
Cord cutting is all about your intentions and the actions that you take to let go of the things that are not good for you. If you have a specific person, place, event, or such in your mind as something that is bothering you; then you can absolutely cut that cord very specifically. If there is nothing specific you can very generally set your intentions to ‘cut any cords that are no longer serving you’.
In setting your intentions to cords that are no longer serving you, you will not unintentionally release a cord that you want to keep. Also, you can cut a cord that is no longer serving you from a specific person, place, or event, and if there is something about that person, place, or event that you want to remain connected to you can.
Cord cutting is not harmful to anyone involved. In fact, usually the opposite. When we are cutting cords that are no longer serving us, we release things that could be causing us harm and make space for positivity take its place.
You do not have to be specific or know exactly what cords you are cutting.
How to cut cords?
You can very simply state in your mind or out loud, “I am cutting all cords that are no longer serving me” and use your hands to cut the cords away from your body. In some practices you will need a place to put those cords to neutralize the energy. A bowl of salt water can be used to catch and neutralize energy, after which it must be disposed of as if it is filthy trash and wash your hands well.
Symbolic cord cutting can be done with two candles and a rope connecting them. One candle to represent yourself and the other to represent what you are removing from your life, as the candles burn they burn the cord that connects them.
The video below is a New Year cord cutting to break the ties and release the things from the last year that are no longer serving me and to set intentions for what I want to bring into my life in the upcoming year. The blue candle represents 2021, the white candle represents 2022.