12 Days of Self-Care: Day 11

Practice yoga for your physical, emotional, and spiritual body

Written by Brandi McMurry

Photo by Christopher Gibson

Practicing yoga can be a great exercise for your physical and emotional body, and is a great addition to your self-care list.

Yoga has benefits ranging from an increase in flexibility, enhancing mood, helping digestion, and can even help relieve pain.

I am halfway through my yoga teacher training as I type this self-care tip! And my yogi journey has been exceptional. I am excited to offer classes in a few months!

For today’s self-care I will teach you the yin fish pose that helps open the front of the body. This is especially great for people who tend to bring their shoulders up toward their ears and sit slouched (I'm guilty!) The fish pose will help open your chest, throat, shoulders, abdomen, hip flexors, and the muscles between your ribs.

To begin have a yoga mat and a bolster. If you do not have a bolster you can roll a towel or a small blanket in a cylinder shape.

Place your bolster or towel vertically upon your yoga mat. Lie your back upon the bolster above the sit bones so your glutes are on the floor. Knees can be bent and have your arms out to the side to open your chest. Then bring your arms up like a cactus or a goal post position. Let your body sink down into the mat and get heavy. Notice how the floor is supporting your body, and let the day fall away. Focus on your breathing to relax even more. Breathe deep into your abdomen, and exhale fully to let it all go, and release any stress.

This position is an undoing that can help your posture that may be slouched from working at the computer all day. Our shoulders are growing closer and closer to our ears. Keep your arms as still as possible. The fascia surrounding the muscles are opening in this pose, making more space for your internal organs to breathe smoothly. Return to your breath. Remain in this pose for about three minutes before continuing your practice.

Photo by Christopher Gibson of the author

Until next time, Namaste.

Photo by Paul Cuoco on Unsplash


12 Days of Self-Care: Day 12


12 Days of Self-Care: Day 10