Essential Health STL is a Holistic Health Collective in South County, St. Louis, MO
Essential Health STL offers many services under one roof to support your health.
We are dedicated to providing nurturing therapeutic experiences through education, empowerment, and presence.
Colon Hydrotherapy is a gentle cleanse of the colon with water. We use a closed system. During your one hour session, your therapist will talk you through the process and support you in finding comfort.
Our massage therapists practice a variety of modalities and specialize each session to meet your needs.
PeriSteaming is more commonly referred to as a Yoni Steam or Vaginal steam. We make a choice to use PeriSteaming because you do not need to own a Yoni to steam. The act of sitting over steeped herbs increases circulation in your body and supports healing.
Our approach
We provide nurturing, therapeutic experiences through education, empowerment, and presence. Our mission is to bring holistic health to the heartland and create accessibility for all through our sliding scale price structure, and continued effort toward making the world of wellbeing an inclusive and safe space.
You can find us at:
2625 Telegraph Road Lower Level, 63125
From the street level, you can enter the building through the door that appears to be under “2623”, and come on downstairs, we are in the left.
Or you can come around the back of the building, and park on the side (where my van is in the pics) or all the way around the back and come up the outside stairs.
My van is parked in one of the 3 spaces that are best for handicap parking, and most easily accessible to the back door. Come on in, from down there we are on the right!!
If you are coming from Highway 55, take the Reavis Barracks exit and go EAST, to Telegraph Road and turn Right, then RIGHT into our parking lot just across from the old “family video”/which is now a liquor store.
If you are coming from 270, take the Telegraph exit and go NORTH, just after you see Walgreens and then Cafe Telegraph on the right, you will turn LEFT into our parking lot.
Our services
Colon Hydrotherapy
Massage Therapy
Oncology Support
Human Design
“The team at Essential Health helped me find a modality that aligned with my needs.”